35mm to 120 Medium Format Camera Film Spool Adapter 3 Piece Kit
3D Printed goodness!
This Comes with the 2 adapter pieces and the takeup spool.
This adapts 35mm film canisters to work as a 120 format spool, and allows shooting 35mm film in any 120 medium format film camera.
The 35mm film will be centered on the 120 spool.
Using this adapter allows you to use films that are not available in 120 format, and the entire 35mm film is exposed, resulting in images out to the edges, sprocket holes and all, resulting in a very unique effect.
Do not force these adapters into position, first make sure that the splines are aligned.
If it fits tight you can trim and or wiggle back and forth carefully.
The splines may need to be trimmed to fit some loading canisters.
The hole for viewing the film number on the camera must be taped over with black gaffer's tape or some suitable opaque tape to avoid back side exposure of the film
You will need to wind blindly about 1-1/2 turns at the beginning and taper down to 1-1/4 turn at the end.
Most medium format cameras do not have a rewind, so you will need to unload the film in a darkroom or changing bag and manually rewind the 35mm film back into its canister.
When processing, specify "process only" and "do not cut" and cut the film yourself.
There are many resources online for number of turns depending on your camera type they are quite easy to find with some searching